well, things are getting worse.
broken levees, and the city fills.
it will never be the same as it was.
devastion. crime. further evacuation.
(still, some perspective can be gained by looking back at the tsunami in indnesia- that was on a much larger scale)
president bush is such a #%$*... well, that's nothing new.
and of course the requisite numbers of people talking "why did god do this?" or "the end is nigh" crap.
31 August 2005
29 August 2005
the big NO
So, from what I have managed to gather thus far today, the wrath incurred by Katrina upon New Orleans has been less than maximum warnings estimated, and that's good. Very early this morning I recall a clip during which a meteorologist said that were the eye to pass east of New Orleans, it would be the best case scenario that could be expected (all else being equal), and so it has. Alas, the storm has hit Mobile and Gulfport hard... And Biloxi. Best of luck to all affected.
Here are some fascinating figures:
The dimensions of an electron are about 10 to the negative 13th power centimeter, while our galaxy is about 10 to the 23rd power centimeters. Just one little galaxy. I'm pretty sure that means that our solar system could fit quite comfortably inside the breadbox of the universe. We are mf small.
(I'm in the process of reading The Accelerating Universe by Mario Livio...)
Here are some fascinating figures:
The dimensions of an electron are about 10 to the negative 13th power centimeter, while our galaxy is about 10 to the 23rd power centimeters. Just one little galaxy. I'm pretty sure that means that our solar system could fit quite comfortably inside the breadbox of the universe. We are mf small.
(I'm in the process of reading The Accelerating Universe by Mario Livio...)
24 August 2005
do dads
Sneak Preview!
~Coming Soon!~
A set of five 1" buttons for all occasions, as well as b&w vinyl stickers (also featuring l'il vampyre skull with forks motif). Within the next few weeks they will be available from electrofork.com, as well as in the gigposters.com classifieds.
No more wondering wtf to do with those last few pesky Paypal™ dollars!
20 August 2005
'til dark
it was a long walk and i wound up in part of the park i'd never been to- sort of lost, but not really. just far away from where i thought i was. didn't get back til 8 o'clock and the days are getting shorter now.
i haven't signed any of the new paintings, and last year's were all signed in pencil. i don't have a proper signature for "art"--
i guess i'll be needing one of those. it's absurd. people think deciding on a tattoo is difficult ("it'll be there forever") but try deciding on a signature that isn't meant to change and becomes a symbol of you... daunting.
i've thought about just having a small rubber stamp made.
'cheap souvinir!'
i haven't signed any of the new paintings, and last year's were all signed in pencil. i don't have a proper signature for "art"--
i guess i'll be needing one of those. it's absurd. people think deciding on a tattoo is difficult ("it'll be there forever") but try deciding on a signature that isn't meant to change and becomes a symbol of you... daunting.
i've thought about just having a small rubber stamp made.
'cheap souvinir!'
freckled, androgynous
Some more drawings.
Been doing more drawing than thinking lately, so not much to say (write). What can I scare up on short notice...? Well, the weather has been agreeable- (weather; always a brilliant topic. ::shakes head::)
August itself is in its late days which is sad, especially as that brief trip to the Shore was my sole day of swimming for the whole of summer. Also I've had only one really good walk since the return from Rochester (that being over the Brooklyn Bridge). Today that will be remedied, at least.
You see? Nothing to write.
smoking, thinking
18 August 2005
phyllis dillers
effects of absinthe
This is a page from the book I had with me when Kat, Anders & I were in Prague; it was our first night, and a tuesday, so the only open place to have drinks after midnight near our pensione was this mad little Mexican restaurant/bar. Czechxican. One of the owners was an ex-pat from Cali.
Anyway, just saw it again and it still makes me laugh like an idiot. Enjoy.
16 August 2005
a ride in the rain
handsome Red
Sunday morning; awake at 7:30 and coffee by 8:00 to prepare for a ride in Mendon Ponds Park. It was cool and overcast, with a brilliant fine mist of rain which kept the bugs away.
Thursday we met Audrey, latest arrival- Kevin's new niece with long skinny legs and a tendency to splay her toes wide.
More to come.
kevin rode Prince, our intrepid leader
09 August 2005
08 August 2005
sand & salt
After a raucous (read obnoxious!) end-of-night amid weekenders at the Parkside saturday night, I tagged along with friends to the Jersey Shore to enjoy the early morning emptiness of a beach. The water was perfect, the sky pleasantly overcast, then we slept a for spell in the sand. When we awoke there were families and umbrellas everywhere, and it was HOT. Many more trips into the water, which by now was filled with tiny jelleyfish egg thingies (very strange). Remaining afternoon and evening spent leisurely poolside (inland aways).
Saltwater and sand are such a great antidote to the fine fine grit of the hot hot city, and a flash exposure to midday sun gives a pleasant mild burn that feels like a sort of beneath-the-skin blanket for the rest of the day (despite that it renders the night air chillier than normal).
In other news... Bush's awful energy bill* has passed, Iran has resumed uranium conversion, Discovery™ is still stuck in space, and (holycrap!) corruption was afoot in the Oil for Food dealings!
(sarcasm) Well, at least we'll get a bit more daylight savings time out of it. (/sarcasm)
Saltwater and sand are such a great antidote to the fine fine grit of the hot hot city, and a flash exposure to midday sun gives a pleasant mild burn that feels like a sort of beneath-the-skin blanket for the rest of the day (despite that it renders the night air chillier than normal).
In other news... Bush's awful energy bill* has passed, Iran has resumed uranium conversion, Discovery™ is still stuck in space, and (holycrap!) corruption was afoot in the Oil for Food dealings!
05 August 2005
It's goddamn HOT. Enough to leave the blinds closed for fear of extra heat from direct sunlight. This kind of unrelenting heat makes me feel vaguely nauseous. I need to find a way to spend a lot of time near water in summers in the future.
Seque- here is the dream:
"We were going somewhere. We had a long sort of inflatable raft- very like the large orange and white one from the cottage. The roads were all water now- it was the future. There were people with boats of various kinds, there were other people on miscellaneous floating things-- there were even swimmers. Some few had adapted or been born with oddnesses which catered nicely to being a hardcore swimmer as transport.
For example there was a man who had a sort of over-skin; like a natural born wet suit; and you could see through different parts of the skin differently. Parts of him looked like there were solid areas of dark blue beneath the surface; graphically, almost designerly. There was another man with something off about his nose which enabled him to breathe underwater part of the time or something- it's muddled.
So it was a highway, but all water. They'd built up concrete walls to surround it; perhaps measures had been made to simultaneously combat rising water levels and deal with a lack of petrol? Some areas still had bridges going over the main arteries, and we passed beneath one upon which a large phrase of encouragement still hung, made of dark wires strung with small light bulbs, only too many letters were missing and it made no sense. (It seemed that it had been for a school team or some such nonsense.)
At times we moved very slowly on the inflatable raft, and tried to stay near the edge wall, so we could push off, use it for leverage. Also at times we seemed to have lost a good deal of air, and the raft would sink lower into the water. There was a point at which I was lying facing front, using my arms to paddle, and we nearly overtook a swimmer or two. (Not that it would have hurt them, but it's just rude)
There were still roadside hotels and motels, though none of them bothered with keeping swimming pools filled. I cannot recall where we were going in the dream; somewhere far, it was a many-day trip, all the more so due to the slowness of our vehicle."
Seque- here is the dream:
"We were going somewhere. We had a long sort of inflatable raft- very like the large orange and white one from the cottage. The roads were all water now- it was the future. There were people with boats of various kinds, there were other people on miscellaneous floating things-- there were even swimmers. Some few had adapted or been born with oddnesses which catered nicely to being a hardcore swimmer as transport.
For example there was a man who had a sort of over-skin; like a natural born wet suit; and you could see through different parts of the skin differently. Parts of him looked like there were solid areas of dark blue beneath the surface; graphically, almost designerly. There was another man with something off about his nose which enabled him to breathe underwater part of the time or something- it's muddled.
So it was a highway, but all water. They'd built up concrete walls to surround it; perhaps measures had been made to simultaneously combat rising water levels and deal with a lack of petrol? Some areas still had bridges going over the main arteries, and we passed beneath one upon which a large phrase of encouragement still hung, made of dark wires strung with small light bulbs, only too many letters were missing and it made no sense. (It seemed that it had been for a school team or some such nonsense.)
At times we moved very slowly on the inflatable raft, and tried to stay near the edge wall, so we could push off, use it for leverage. Also at times we seemed to have lost a good deal of air, and the raft would sink lower into the water. There was a point at which I was lying facing front, using my arms to paddle, and we nearly overtook a swimmer or two. (Not that it would have hurt them, but it's just rude)
There were still roadside hotels and motels, though none of them bothered with keeping swimming pools filled. I cannot recall where we were going in the dream; somewhere far, it was a many-day trip, all the more so due to the slowness of our vehicle."
03 August 2005
entry: 03 aug
Day one of Kev's trip south; it is nice to have the house to oneself for a few days. I played the stereo loud all afternoon and did very exciting things like cleaned the stove top (which had begun to resemble a strangely symmetric plot of land adjacent to an active volcano), cleaned my desk (no metamorphic buildup but i am forever dropping cigarette ash on it- distractedly), cleared some closet space, prepped a bunch of art to be mailed.... you know. EXCITEMENT!!!
Ha ha. It is sometimes necessary to really throw oneself into a day of such toils; helps to clear the mind.
Tomorrow night a band called the Jazz Vipers are playing at the Parkside; I'll head over there. They are apparently ass-kicking old school jazz from N'Orleans. Last evening Kat and Anders and I sorted the days for our U.K. trip, which has been shortened to ten days. As a result Ireland shall have to wait 'til another trip, which is just as well. It's no good having only 2-3 days per city. (Note to self: must check flights to Heathrow this week)
Hmmm. oh yes! Patron Saint of Hoodies is complete. See below.

Patron Saint of Hoodies
Ha ha. It is sometimes necessary to really throw oneself into a day of such toils; helps to clear the mind.
Tomorrow night a band called the Jazz Vipers are playing at the Parkside; I'll head over there. They are apparently ass-kicking old school jazz from N'Orleans. Last evening Kat and Anders and I sorted the days for our U.K. trip, which has been shortened to ten days. As a result Ireland shall have to wait 'til another trip, which is just as well. It's no good having only 2-3 days per city. (Note to self: must check flights to Heathrow this week)
Hmmm. oh yes! Patron Saint of Hoodies is complete. See below.
Patron Saint of Hoodies
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