Above is a sneak peak at the new canvas in progress; it's quite a bit larger than the other Amsterdam pieces (30" x 40"), and it takes considerably longer to even get down washes for a base. This is just a faint beginning. I haven't worked on a canvas this size since the grotesques, and- damn!- that was several years ago. This initial phase of underpainting was completed last evening, amid other pursuits; Kim was over for an art night, and we worked on ideas for her web site as well.
And, below, a nice little portrait of Nancy. She came here to stay while TL and Deb were out west on vacation. She was a delightful house guest, and it was nice to have someone to talk to in the kitchen! I'd gotten rather used to her being there, and then *poof* she was gone again. That little dragon ate a lot of crickets.
Nancy, my house guest from earlier this month
In other news (a post script) the fishes' water has nearly all cleared up, after doing serious water replacement twice in as many days. I also learned (after further investigation) that (1) some types of bacteria overload can be bad, and (2) I have been severely remiss in salt reaplcement for several months! Luckily, salt is one of the treatments for bacteria, so two birds and all that. Both fishes are looking very happy at the moment-- even Tres, who'd been sitting glumly on the bottom of the tank for a few days. :)