17 December 2007

Sunday, winter.

A wet and dreary outlook, weather-wise, but a fine Sunday.

Wintermarket came off very well from the looks of it (a wonderful project I've lately become involved with, as a designer).

Ben and I had a lovely dinner and visit with a friend in Manhattan tonight.

On our walk between downtown and Union Square, I stopped in at a Rad Shack and found 1 gigabyte SD cards to be on sale for 13 bucks, which means I can shoot 3 times as many photographs before requiring a download to CD. Nice!

Starting tomorrow morning I have 4 days in which to accomplish very much; work-, jewelry-, gift- and prep-for trip- wise. T'will be an intense week. (Nothing new there.) The Holidays are upon us!

And now it is 12.20. Time for sleep.


post script : aquarium sold, and gone, as of Thursday evening. Strange. Bentwood rocking chair - found as of previous Monday- has filled aforementioned aquarium space in apartment. Odd the way things work out sometimes.

But I still miss Pi.

post post script : 143 etsians now hearting the electrofork shop.

13 December 2007

Hark-- hail!

Cold stinging pellets are falling against my windows this morning.

Last night I was visited by some of the most intense, vivid and disturbing nightmares I've had in a very long time. (Not disturbing in any revelatory sense; just pure nonsensical surrealism that the subconscious mind so excels at, when it so chooses)

Vivid in color and texture- and also aurally vivid! I'd gone in and out of sleep, tossing and turning, drifting around and occasionally across the line of waking for what seemed hours if not days. The culmination was a semi-conscious moment at which I finally, starkly woke-- convinced I'd heard knocking at my windows, and noises away at the other end of the apartment. How could I know which noises I'd heard were dream-induced and which were real?! I was frozen in long moments of fear, until silence, wakefulness and the ongoing sounds of 5th avenue at night finally returned me to my senses (mostly).

Was it those slices from Pizza Town? Could it have been from too much coffee that morning? I will never know I'm sure, but I don't mind. I am awestruck by the occasional largess- gifts of excitement and mystery from the invisible realm.

I believe I failed to mention yesterday (in my brevity) that I had a simply awful time of going to pick up artwork from a gallery in the city. Well, awful is an exaggeration, but a frustrating afternoon nonetheless. Part of it was simple disappointment, too.

I am selling the tank- the aquarium and all its attendant accoutrement. Listed on Craigslilst a few days ago; I have a scheduled pick-up tonight which hopefully the weather will not hinder. The end of an era of large-fish husbandry for me, at least for awhile.

12 December 2007


Heading back to Europe for a spell soon! Amsterdam will be our home base, again, with visits to friends in Munster, Germany again, and then... Paris! I've not yet been there, so that will be very exciting. We will have opportunities to see some Brooklynites in Paris, as well.

On the arts fron: Etsy is treating me very well so far- been selling loads of jewelry, so that has become something that takes up a fair amount of time. As a result, I have not done a drawing or painting in awhile. (Not a complaint; I just don't want to lose those things.)

Oh, holidays holidays holidays- this time of year is always a whirlwind!
That's my short update for now. More soon.

09 December 2007

December Third notes

It's noon on a monday. I haven't showered or eaten breakfast; the apple is still in my fridge, only now there's also a fish in my freezer, too. His name was Pi, and he's been with me for a long time, as fish go. Years. His empty tank is still bubbling away with the filter on because I'm afraid if I turn it off the silence will be deafening. And my great aunt whom I've not seen in several years is dying in a nursing home upstate, and I didn't make time to see her over Thanksgiving.

Blustering wind outside, and bright sun.
Yesterday's snow has gone already.