12 March 2007

sweat! sun! wait!

Bikram Yoga: also known as "hot" yoga. 90 minutes in a 100-110 degree room. 26 poses and two breathing exercises. A lot of sweating. Intense. Day two was torture. Day three was the best yet. I think they'll continually get better. Ideal is to go at least three times a week, but as Tara Lynne and I are also looking into some form of martial arts practice, I may stick with twice a week. It's pretty amazing and afte only three sessions I feel much better. A great way to start the day.

Today when I left the yoga center the sun was shining and it was in the fifties outside- great! I'm sure there is more snow and wind in store for New York before the spring is settled in but it's so great to have days with the window open and where going outisde doesn't require adding so many layers.

One of the most frustrating things about working as a freelancer is the waiting to get paid for fuck's sake. It makes me cringe. I am responsible! I am an on-time payer of my own bills! But someties this becomes almost impossible due to the tardiness of checks!! Aighh! Well, I suppose the goal is to have more than enough in savings to cover. One day, I'm sure. Meantime, I just needed to vent.

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