11 September 2007

other news

Hoover died last evening. During my nap I think.
I had got accustomed to him, as had Pi, I think; at some point I began thinking of him as Pi's monster, like he was Pi's pet or something. He seemed fine when I got home, but later on when I peered into the tank looking for him ("Where's your monster, Pi?"), I saw that he was upside-down.
Once again, the Pi stands quite alone.


Unknown said...

Nooooo!!! Not Hoover too!!

Holy cow....Pi is like Ozymandias' pillar but everyone else seems to be his kingdom!

I'm so sorry to hear....:(:(

electrofork said...

Thanks Chris,
I appreciate it.

(I think I accidentally lost your comment about Tres, sorry, but thanks for that one as well.)