I shall soon be moving into the House of Ben, and we had a superbly successful moving sale Saturday last-- the weather held without rain, and many walkers of the Avenue stopped to look, and to buy. (The photo above shows only a fraction of the myriad what-not 'twas for sale, as I hadn't a chance to snap a photo 'til afternoon.) A busy and fun day-- whirlwind purge of duplicates and extras before the the merging of our two homesteads.
Only a few boxes remained at the end so I have far less to pack than before, and we have a good start on saving money for a new couch, sorely needed.
post script: I'm happy to report that a few thing didn't sell (things which I'd marked pricey on purpose), so I got to keep tham after all. You know, there are some things that, once you see people looking at them like they are worthless, you just don't want to part with, despite trying to pare down.
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