10 January 2006

springtime in january

Yes, two days of mild sunny weather here in Brooklyn. This afternoon I took advantage by forgoing public transport to get into Manhattan. Well, technically. I would say a walk over the Brooklyn Bridge should count as public transport as well, albeit self-propelled.

Gorgeous toxic sunset over Jersey around 4:50; my trek was perfectly timed for maximum viewing pleasure; sun waning in pinks and golds as the nighttime city came awake. Passed more than one solitary walker sporting wide eyes and a smile; amazement at the vision provided by the bridge, and to be in such a singular place. That kind of day. That is a great reason to avoid the subway; to re-connect with why one is here in the first place. To be amazed anew. (That can be pretty challenging to do in rush-hour a subway car. Not so on the bridge, especially during a fiery sunset.)

Mission on the island: a visitation upon Blick Studio for casting resin; two gallons-- hopefully enough to fill the top of the coolest table in the world. The elements of its frame wait patiently to be transformed into furniture, out in the hallway. Soon.

Very soon.

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