23 August 2006


Well, it appears that Snapfish requires a login to view photo albums. Apologies.
This afternoon I shall return to a dentist for the second time in a month to try to get m'damn choppers clean and some cavities filled. Not looking forward to it.

This summer has been been speeding past; it's been interesting and, on the whole, a good one. Done a bit of traveling, had some beach time; had a good amount of freelance work; but haven't been doing as much drawing or artwork in general. As seems to be the way of life in general, it's been a season after the style of the sparkling sidewalk: mostly made up of concrete, but with glittering moments mixed in at varying intervals, and of course the occasional wad of gum. I'm happy to say it's been much more glitter than gum, so that's a thing to be thankful for.

I become aware more and more of my need for travel. I am an addict. Non-linear though the postmodern world (and the postmodern mind) may be, I find a great solace and excitement in the linear-ness of travel-- the way it makes each day feel purposeful in some unexpected way, and full of forward momentum. Discovery. The awareness of how little "stuff' one really needs, at least on a day-to-day basis. I'd like to find a way (or ways) to incorporate much more travel time into my life.

17 August 2006


Here is a link to several photo albums, including some selects from the drive across country, and my time in Rochester, including a day at Niagara Falls...

14 August 2006


Thursay August third I flew out to New Mexico to meet up with Beth in anticipation of driving across the country to Rochester, New York, where both our families reside. Below is where I found Beth and Chris, at their desert compound south of Santa Fe.

The barn that is Beth & Chris's cozy house in New Mexico

Beth and Chris with Pork Chop and Olive Loaf

We Drove a southernly route, cutting across the Texas panhandle, a very flat land and less picturesque than the New Mexican desert. We stopped at the Cadillac Ranch for photo ops.

Beth and I at the Cadillac Ranch in Texas

Our delightful tiny traveling mascot, Lupita

The trip across the country was great fun, as was my week in Rochester which inclided a day trip to Niagara Falls (Canandian side). I'll upload many more photos at some point in the next week, so check back here later for the link.

The Northernernmost point of my trip: Nagara

01 August 2006

two days : 100

It's air conditioner season, full stop.