01 February 2006

second month begins

I neither watched nor listened to the man commonly referred to as the President last night. Can't bear it. (I suppose I ought to at least read about it somewhere. Perhaps in the Onion...)

The resinating of the Table has grown epic and tiresome, taking entirely too much material and time. It wouldn't be so bad save for the fact that every time I have to pour another layer, the greater portion of the apartment becomes toxic. Not to mention cold, as at least one window must be left open for a day or so. (Have to try and save some brain cells.)

Have gotten some great and decidedly dark photographs of Brooklyn and its surrounds over the past few weeks, some of which will be appearing in several cd packages upcoming... Others (less dark) will be appearing in *frames* at Bonnie's Grill (5th Avenue in Brooklyn) during the month of March.

New fish number three (absurdly and French-ly dubbed Tres) is flourishing in the tank with Pi. They get along very well (so far as can be determined among fishes in boxes at any rate) and have become avid beggars. (It appears that begging for food is a team sport when it comes to aquatic pets.) Tres is , like Pi, a red and white Comet, and has a marvelous tail. Dreadfully cute.

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