30 June 2008

shelter, swelter or soak.

Those were the primary options over the weekend, but we had a good one of it anyway. A roving wander took us through Vinegar Hill , DUMBO and into the Heights on Saturday, finally trapped in air conditioning with beer and a Mets game as the torrents began in earnest. Tasted and bought some delicious things at the New Amsterdam Market on Sunday before being caught in another downpour on Mott street.

I've been missing Pi lately. Being a cold water fish, he never did care much for summer (I sometimes put ice cubes in his tank to melt and give him some relief from fish soup conditions). Oddly enough, he's still in the freezer, awaiting a proper burial. At Coney, later in the year, I think-- where Tres was also ceremonially laid to rest.

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