08 April 2005

quick (drunk) list

Things that are good:
(some music and movie crap)
- Bright Eyes (yes, in spite of the unbelievability and overextension of the hype-)
- Death Cab for Cutie
- Andrew Bird (awesome and unexpected, point and counterpoint)
- Cillian Murphy
- I (heart) Huckabees- this movie received lukewarm reviews at best , but anyone who can appreciate an existential comedy, this is funny shit-- (Ignore the critics- they are jaded; even more than we are. 'I hate to break it to you, but Jesus is mad at you,' as a dinner line in a movie-- hysterical, and welcome. I don't care. More importantly, I laughed out loud. (Those who didn't, well, maybe they just didn't get it.)

etc. blah blah blah.
oh- and pomegranate juice!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heart I Heart Huckabees! "She said fuckabees!"