31 October 2005

31 October

Happy Hallo'ween kids.

I have at long last completed the rather enjoyable job (ha! job, indeed) of transcribing days of the trip. Long, yes. But I was having too much fun reliving it all to make short of it! So there. The tale of our encounters with "Fatty" were, in particular, sending me into hilarious bouts of idiotic laughter. Holycrap.

Perhaps now that the writing is finished I will be better able to throw myself back into the work that has been piling up around me! So difficult to get back into normal life mode after such a trip; really. Have continued waking early since the trip, though, so that leaves more time. I have been really enjoying these quiet mornings of writing, coffee, sunshine. Today, like yesterday, has dawned sunny and mild, *bloody gorgeous!* and will be another fine walking day. The park is mid-process of being set ablaze by the seasonal color shift- reds, oranges- brilliant colors, and I am still dumbfounded at how many years I've lived a mere two blocks from it and have largely ignored it (before this past spring, that is)- stupid girl! I've been making up for it, that's certain. Me an the 'pod. We trek. We meander. We are a good team.

Okay. Time for writing, dreaming, has finished, for now. I swear I will post photos somewhere soon. Really.

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bloggrez said...
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