06 October 2005


According to Salon.com, despite the fact that the hurricanes left the gulf coast tragically and toxically polluted by crude oil and numerous other contaminants,

"Senate Republicans, led by Environment and Public Works Committee chairman James Inhofe -- who has declared that global warming is a hoax -- have introduced a bill that would allow EPA to waive clean water and air laws during the cleanup. The EPA itself is drafting a plan that would allow the agency to waive state regulations on smog emissions or pollutants pouring out of coal plants."*

This is the kind of reporting that is never on the News™, or when it is, it is never dwelled upon the way that, say, lost white teenaged girls are. Or celebrity shennanigans. It has appeared that some of the news reporters have snapped out of robot mode since the twin hurricanes and resulting floods, but things seem to be settling back to "normal" already. "Normal," in the Bush era, meaning that little or nothing gets aired that might give Americans a clear picture of how nasty, greedy and ill-motivated these bastards in the White House really are.

REMINDER: It's not their White House! We the people own it, and all those damn politicians are, in fact, under our employ.
America, you made some godawful hiring decisions. Not once, but twice in a row now.
(:: cheers to term limits, at least ::)
But, really, it's long past due for some "downsizing" in our nation's capitol.

* excerpt from an article by Katharine Mieszkowski and Mark Benjamin

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