20 November 2005

20 nov

A working weekend is not a bad thing, especially in the freelance world. There are no phone calls, fewer interruptions in general. In addition to work there have been walks- wandering around the Slope- as well as consolidation, and editing.

The common cold is busy making its way through the local population, leaving a path of viscous noses and lungs in its wake! (thankfully thus far avoided by me.) It is the time of dropping temperatures and of dry apartment air beginning to grow stale for a lack of open windows... It's important to get outside and toughen up; to acclimate. Then make with the hats and gloves!

It is nearly time for the moomins of the world to begin their hibernation; the time when squirrels are eating like mad to become the fat l'il bears of winter. tFLBoW!
Such nonsense.

(I'm just waiting on a render in After Effects.)

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