26 June 2007

heat index

They're saying today will be a scorcher. I felt it coming on last evening, and so closed off the front room and started up the AC; it has remained quite cool (though i turned it off this morning), as I haven't opened the windows to let in warmer air from without!

The past couple of weeks have been optimum sleeping weather, though- cool at night with only a window open. Between that, and my new mattress (very basic, mind you but a vast improvement over the decade-old futon mattress I'd been using), I find I've been hitting snooze a lot lately! Additionally, of late I have a seemingly bottomless well of strange dreams that are particularly active in those 10-minute chunks of sleep between the alarms. I wish I was still in the habit of writing upon wakening, as some of them have been pretty interesting (in that logic-has-no-place-here sort of way).

The fishes' water is still somewhat cloudy, as I've been (1) waiting for the Ph to drop a bit in hope that that will kill off some of the rampant bacteria, and (2) well, lazy. But the web link assured me that this bacteria is not harmful. I presume it is precisely the sort that causes ponds to go all hazy and murky in warm weather, in which case those two should feel quite at home. But, to be honest, they don't seem pleased. I will exchange a large amount of water today.

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